Deyin Code Of Conduct

The Deyin Taijiquan Institute is committed to the training of Taijiquan and related disciplines to the highest possible level. This is not just for our members and the participants in our seminars, but also as our obligation to maintain the best possible standards and understanding of this fantastic art for future generations.

Ensuring that our Deyin Instructors achieve these high standards is a crucial part of the instructor development process. The following code should be always adhered to:


  1. Always be courteous and respectful to all instructors and members.

  2. Never use the skills taught wrongfully.

  3. Have Public Liability Insurance up to date if you are teaching classes where you are the lead instructor.

  4. Ensure that instructor level requirements and obligations are met and adhered to.

  5. Complete revalidation of skills and forms at the required time periods or as soon as an opportunity becomes available.

  6. Speak with Master Tary or Master Faye if revalidation opportunities have passed and you need to revalidate, or that you cannot afford to revalidate. Communication is key and the Deyin Institute is here to help you on your instructor journey.

  7. Support the Deyin Institute wherever possible by attending seminars and training weekends throughout the year, so that skills can be maintained and improved.

  8. Uphold the teachings of the Deyin Institute, teaching only those forms taught by Deyin when teaching under the Deyin name.

  9. The instructor must not make modifications or add characteristics or styles into the Deyin taught forms. If changes are needed to aid with disabilities or physical limitation of learners, the adaptations should be clearly explained, and the modification made clear to the students.

  10. If teaching forms learnt away from the Deyin Institute, the instructor should clarify to the students that the forms are not of the Deyin sets and differences are simply different characteristics or styles.

  11. Do not bring the Deyin name and lineage into disrepute by breaching the Code of Conduct.

  12. Uphold the ethos of the Deyin family. It is important for us to maintain a friendly and encouraging relationship with our instructors and to encourage our students with gentle and careful teaching.

  13. Promote high quality Taijiquan through personal development. You will be required to complete 10 hours of CPD every 2 years with a Deyin Master or designated senior instructor. This is a minimum formal requirement, and we would encourage instructors to extend their CPD by taking up as many opportunities as possible to attend workshops and seminars promoted throughout the year. Taking part in classes held by higher level Deyin instructors also counts as CPD

  14. Instructors are required to update and revalidate their qualified forms every two years. This will normal be by attending a 10-hour weekend refresher and revalidation weekend covering all 5 forms in the case of the Level 1, and CPD and revalidation weekend for each form for the level 2 and above. Revalidation without refresher can still be done by attending form revalidation sessions or (in extreme cases) submitting video performance. Archiving a medal place in recognised competitions could also count as form revalidation.

  15. The Deyin Institute reserves the right to exclude any instructor, or student should they consider them to have participated in any wrongdoing or for any other reason deemed inappropriate or goes against the Deyin Code of Conduct. Any individual will be excluded indefinitely and will be refused tuition and membership from all Deyin clubs and instructors.