Deyin Instuctor Re-validation and fees Guidelines

It is a requirement for all Deyin qualified instuctors to re-validate the forms they are qualified to teach, this is an effort to maintain the highest standard of Deyin teaching team and also serve as our instructors' continuous professional development. 

Instructors can revalidate Non-Level 1 forms in the following ways:

1. By attending a full-day or weekend workshop, where the form being taught is the one being sought for re-validation. Students wishing to be assessed will perform the form together (or in sub-groups when numbers are large) and receive feedback along with a pass, a provisional pass, or a fail assessment. Scores may be given at the same time or may follow later. There will be no assessment fee as this will be included in the price for the course.

2. When attending any other Deyin full-day or weekend workshop (not including Boot Camps, and only by prior arrangement). Re-validation will take place after the workshop, or possibly during the lunch break. Feedback, along with a pass, a provisional pass, or a fail assessment will be given on the day. Scores may be given at the same time or may follow later. There will be a re-validation fee to be added to the workshop. actual fees are as below.

3. At a workshop outside the Telford Culture Centre organised by one of our current instructors, and being taken by Faye or Tary. Again this must be arranged prior to the event, and it will be the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure that sufficient time & space is available for the re-validations. They must also collect the re-validation fees for all participants before the event. Fees, assessments, feedback & scores are as for method 2.

4. On a private basis by booking a session with Faye or Tary for re-validation. The fee for this will be determined at the time the session is being arranged and will vary with the amount of time being booked.

5. Video assessment of Non-Level 1 forms may be available by special arrangement, although we are not encouraging it for the time being. We believe that face to face re-validation will lead to better improvements in performance and understanding. Fees have not yet been set for video assessment in Non-Level 1 forms, but will possibly vary according to the length of the form.

The instructor is required to revalidate every two years in order to maintain their Deyin instructor status, however, in order to help our instructors to plan their diary, there will be a 6 months grace period from the date the revalidation is due.

The cost for revalidation is as follow;

Revalidation opportunity for Deyin Instructors. Fees for revalidations are as follows: In-person / Video fees (include assessment and certification)

  • Single form revalidation - £30 /  £35 (Video assessment)
  • Two forms revalidation - £55 / £70 (Video assessment)
  • Three forms revalidation - £75 /  £90 (Video assessment)
  • Four Forms revalidatin - £ 100 /  £110 (Video assessment)
  • All 5 Level 1 forms (8, 16, 24 step, 16 sword, 8 treasures) - £120 / £130 (Video assessment)
  • All Level 1 plus 1 additional form - £135 /  £145 (Video assessment)
  • All Level 1 plus 2 additional forms - £150 /  £160 (Video assessment)