Tai Chi & Ethnic Culture Indulgence China 2025

12-29 October 2025 / 18 days - £2295.00 - Early booking (before 16th April 2025)
£2395 - Standard booking (from 16th April 2025)
(Fees above Do Not Include international flights - either book yourself or we book for you - approx. costs £850.00 return)

Beijing - Xin Jiang (Kuqa - Hotan - Kashqar - Taxian)

Deyin and BHQA members enjoy a further £50 off



Discover China's Hidden Gems: A Cultural and Spiritual Odyssey

Embark on a journey that unveils some of China's most breathtaking landscapes and enriches your soul with the captivating cultures of ethnic minorities rarely seen by foreigners. From majestic mountains to the heartwarming traditions of the Uyghurs and Kazakhs, and an enlightening Tai Chi and Qigong exchange, this adventure promises memories that will last a lifetime.

Beijing: A Gateway to Ancient Splendor

Our soul-searching expedition begins in Beijing, China's vibrant capital. A city where rich culture and stunning traditional architecture come together in perfect harmony. Marvel at the Great Wall, explore the grandeur of the Forbidden City, and feel the serenity at the Temple of Heaven. During our four-day stay, we'll blend cultural site visits with immersive Tai Chi and Qigong training, creating a perfect balance of mind, body, and spirit. As we rejuvenate and uplift ourselves, we'll prepare to journey to Xinjiang, one of China's most ethnically diverse provinces.

Xinjiang: A Tapestry of Culture, Scenery, History, People, and Cuisine

Nestled in northwestern China, Xinjiang boasts an extraordinary mix of natural beauty and cultural richness. Its vast landscapes range from majestic mountains to sweeping deserts, offering an unparalleled destination.

Culture: Dive into the vibrant mosaic of Xinjiang's cultures, with the Uyghur ethnic group at the forefront. The region's music, dance, and art are a testament to its rich heritage. Traditional Uyghur music, with its soulful melodies and rhythmic beats, is an integral part of local identity. Experience the lively Uyghur Meshrep gatherings and witness the community's deep-rooted traditions and hospitality.

Scenery: Xinjiang's natural wonders are second to none. Explore the dramatic Tian Shan Mountains, the tranquil Lake Karakul, and the mesmerizing sand dunes of the Taklamakan Desert. The iconic Kanas Lake, with its crystal-clear waters and lush surroundings, is a haven for nature lovers. Each season transforms Xinjiang into a new world, from the vibrant hues of autumn to the pristine snowscapes of winter.

History: Xinjiang's history is a captivating tale of ancient trade routes and diverse civilizations. As a vital part of the Silk Road, the region served as a crossroads for merchants, explorers, and cultures for centuries. Discover historical treasures like the ancient city of Gaochang and the Mogao Caves, which bear witness to the region's rich past. The blend of Chinese, Central Asian, and Islamic influences has left an indelible mark on Xinjiang's heritage.

People: The people of Xinjiang are as diverse as the landscapes they inhabit. The Uyghur, Han, Kazakh, Hui, and other ethnic groups coexist harmoniously, each contributing to the region's unique social fabric. Their legendary warmth and hospitality ensure visitors are welcomed with open arms. The harmonious coexistence of different cultures is a testament to Xinjiang's inclusivity.

Cuisine: Xinjiang's cuisine is a delightful fusion of flavors and spices. Savor Uyghur delicacies like hand-pulled noodles (laghman), succulent kebabs, and aromatic pilaf (polo). The region's fruits, including sweet melons and juicy grapes, are a treat for the senses. Wander through bustling bazaars and markets, where the scents of spices and freshly baked bread fill the air, offering a culinary adventure like no other.

After ten days of exotic indulgence in Xinjiang's breathtaking beauty, we'll return to Beijing for a couple of days to relax before our journey back home. 

Tai Chi and Qigong Training with Master Tary and local teachers in Beijing include:

  • Sun 38 Step and Yang Style Tai Chi practice
  • Health Qigong Yi Jin Jing and Xing Yi Standing Pole Qigong

  • Basic push hand training etc....

This journey promises to be a cultural, spiritual, and health-inspiring adventure like no other!

Click here to sign up now

Note: This Tai Chi and cultural exchange trip is a non-profit-making trip organized by the Deyin Taijiquan Institute (GB), in collaboration with several Chinese travel companies & consultants to plan, manage, and run the full itinerary in China. Deyin does not retain any money for profits, and all fees (trip fees and flight costs) collected will be used entirely to pay companies and consultants for the trip costs in China on the participants' behalf.




我们的心灵探索之旅从中国充满活力的首都北京开启。这座城市,丰富的文化与令人惊叹的传统建筑完美融合。登上雄伟的长城,探寻紫禁城的庄严宏伟,感受天坛的宁静祥和。在四天的停留时间里,我们不仅会参观文化古迹,还会深入体验太极与气功训练,实现身心与精神的完美平衡。在身心得到滋养和提升后,我们将为前往中国民族最为多元的省份之一 —— 新疆,做好充分准备。



  • 文化:深入体验新疆充满活力的多元文化,维吾尔族文化最为耀眼。当地的音乐、舞蹈和艺术,充分展现了深厚的文化底蕴。维吾尔族音乐,旋律深情、节奏明快,是当地文化的核心。参与热闹的维吾尔族麦西热甫聚会,亲身体验社区源远流长的传统习俗和热情好客。

  • 风景:新疆的自然奇观举世无双。游览雄伟的天山、宁静的卡拉库勒湖,以及令人着迷的塔克拉玛干沙漠沙丘。如宝石般的喀纳斯湖,湖水清澈见底,周边植被繁茂,是大自然爱好者的天堂。每个季节,新疆都宛如焕然一新,从秋日的斑斓色彩,到冬日的纯净雪景,各有千秋。

  • 历史:新疆的历史,是一部古老商路与多元文明交织的传奇。作为丝绸之路的重要组成部分,这里数百年间一直是商人、探险家以及各种文化的交汇之地。探寻高昌古城和莫高窟等历史瑰宝,见证这片土地的辉煌过往。中国、中亚和伊斯兰文化的交融,在新疆的文化遗产中留下了深刻印记。

  • 人文:新疆的人民如同这片土地上的风景一样多样。维吾尔族、汉族、哈萨克族、回族等各民族和谐共处,共同构成了独特的社会风貌。他们以热情好客著称,让每一位游客都能感受到家的温暖。不同文化的和谐共生,彰显了新疆的包容与开放。

  • 美食:新疆美食融合了丰富的风味和香料。品尝维吾尔族特色美食,如劲道的拉条子、鲜嫩多汁的烤肉串、香气四溢的手抓饭。这里的水果,如香甜的甜瓜和多汁的葡萄,更是令人垂涎欲滴。漫步在热闹的集市,香料和新鲜出炉面包的香气弥漫在空中,开启一场独一无二的美食之旅。


  • 孙氏和杨氏太极拳练习
  • 健身气功易筋经和形意站桩功
  • 基础推手训练等